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Fondecyt Postdoctoral 2025 Scholarship


The Faculty of Agronomy and Natural Systems (FASN) at UC | Chile is looking for highly motivated and talented researchers, with a background in Agriculture, Biology, Ecology, Environmental Economics, Engineering, and the like, to apply for the Postdoctoral Research scholarship  FONDECYT Postdoctoral 2025.

This postdoctoral research competition has been in force for more than 20 years and is offered by the Chilean National Research and Development Agency (ANID, formerly CONICYT). 

The call is aimed at researchers who have obtained their doctorate from January 1st, 2021, until the closing date for applications (for female researchers who have been mothers since January 1st, 2021, the deadline for obtaining their academic degree is considered as of January 1st, 2020).

Postdoctoral researchers must have the ability to work in a multicultural environment and be part of an interdisciplinary team, being linked to one of the research projects that currently require a PostDoc. 

 Scholarship conditions


The application requires having a doctorate, writing a research proposal to be developed in a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 3 years, and completing the additional background curriculum on the online platform.

Likewise, this application must be sponsored by an academic from a research institution, that is, there must be an academic who receives and welcomes the postdoc, making available the laboratory, equipment, and facilities, for the development of postdoctoral research.

The research topics offered by FASN UC|Chile academics are listed below. 


The scholarship finances the fees of the postdoctoral researcher, with a small amount for operational expenses and travel, and a fund for the installation of people residing outside the country.


Annual (CLP) 

Annual (USD)


Postdoc salary 



Operational costs and travel 



Installation costs in Chile 


Total for each year 



* A budget of $3,000,000.- CLP is available for reimbursement of expenses derived from the travel of the postdoc from her/his country of residence to Chile. Only once during the execution of the project. The refund must be requested after the expense, presenting the purchase support.


Important dates and deadlines

 The competition was opened on March 8th, and the deadline is on April 11th. at the ANID Platform of application

UC | Chile asks you to send your Ph.D. diploma or certificate by March 22th, in this link.

The evaluation period lasts 8 months and the scholarship results will be published in December 2024 or January 2025.

 The project's starting date is April 1st, 2025.


 Expression of interest for postdoctoral research

Researchers interested in applying must complete the requirements in the following form interested candidates by March 20th, 2024, indicating the following information:

  1. Research Project and Academic with whom they wish to work (from Table 1, see below)).
  2. Doctorate diploma with graduation date.
  3. CV
  4. Current country of residence

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Table 1 (Cuadro 1). Research topics for grant  application to Fondecyt Postdoctorado 2025 (líneas de investigación propuetas para postular a Fondecyt PostDoctorado 2025):

Scientific disciplines Research proposal Investigación propuesta Investigador/a Patrocinante

Plant physiology, Ecophysiology

Physiological bases of the response and acclimatization to drought in different grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera). Bases fisiológicas de la respuesta y aclimatación a la sequía en diferentes cultivares de vid (Vitis vinifera). Alonso PÉREZ
Plant Nutrition Interaction between beneficial soil microorganisms and nitrogen absorption mechanisms in roots. Interacción entre microorganismos benéficos de suelo y mecanismos de absorción de nitrógeno en raíces. Francisco ALBORNOZ
Plant Nutrition of Soilless Crops. Nutrición vegetal de cultivos sin suelo. Francisco ALBORNOZ 
Agroecology, Soil Science,  Agroecological soil-plant-water management in vegetable crop production. Manejo agroecológico suelo-planta-agua en la producción hortícola. Leah RENWICK
Production and ecological outcomes of avocado-native tree agroforestry systems. Impactos productivos y ecológicos de sistemas agroforestales palto-árboles nativos. Leah RENWICK
Production and ecological outcomes of integrated hazelnut-sheep systems. Impactos productivos y ecológicos de sistemas integrados de avellana europea y ovejas. Leah RENWICK
Crop residue incorporation and soil-crop resilience. Incorporación de residuos de cultivos y resiliencia suelo-planta. Leah RENWICK

Soil science, Restoration Ecology


Measuring vegetation and soil functionality on restored and degraded systems. Medición de funcionalidad de suelo y vegetación en sistemas restaurados y degradados. Eduardo ARELLANO
Geomatics, Socio-ecology Integrating perception, emotion and ontology in socio-ecological data cube construction to support effective Climate Change decisions. Integración de la percepción, emoción y ontología orientada a objetos en un cubo de datos socio ecológico para apoyar decisiones efectivas sobre cambio climático. Marcelo MIRANDA

Biotechnology, Synthetic Biology

Optimization Mechanisms for Lentivirus Usage in Fish Model Cells. Mecanismos de optimización para usos de lentivirus en células modelos de peces. Sebastián ESCOBAR

Plant pathology

Plant-bacteriophage interaction. Interacción planta-bacteriófago. Marlene ROSALES
Plant pathology Characterization, genetic diversity and distribution of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causing black rot disease in cruciferous crops of Chile. Caracterización, diversidad genética y distribución de la bacteria Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris en cultivos de brásicas en Chile. Marlene ROSALES

Water relations

Development of water requirement estimation model for urban landscaping. Desarrollo de un modelo de estimación de requerimientos hídricos en paisajes urbanos. Pilar GIL

 Postharvest physiology

Preharvest factors associated with the biochemistry of internal browning disorder of sweet cherry during storage.  Factores de precosecha que afectan la fisiología del pardeamiento interno de cerezas.  Juan Pablo ZOFFOLI

Food Processing

Coating systems as an antibiofilm solution for the dairy industry. Sistemas de recubrimientos como solución antibiofilm para la industria láctea. Romina ABARCA

Food Processing

Development of coatings to extend shelf life in foods. Desarrollo de recubrimientos para extender vida útil en alimentos. Romina ABARCA


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